xpasal2 aku kne cold shoulder. taula exam, sume org tension, yg g lepas kat aku tu spe suh. punyala dasyat cold shoulder tu, sampai pe2 pun xnak citer kt aku. yg best part, diorg slumber tunjuk xnak study dkt2 ngan aku. yg lagi best part diorg gelak sme2, aku je cam terpinggir. yg lagi lagi best, part aku kene ulang soalan smpi 2 kali baru nak jawab, mungkin sebab banyak sgt menghafal telah menyebabkan otak korang menjadi sangat lembap(ha, hamik ko!!)..eee geramnye aku time tu, geram plus dispointed. yeah, sgt dispointed. aku pun tension gak, korang treat aku camgitu lagi aku tension. Alhamdulilah, aku manage control everything. diorg xde, lagi senang aku nk menghafal, xde lah aku dgr bunyi org mumbling hafal.kalo diorg ade pun, aku kan hafal kuat2, padahal aku lagi prefer hfl pelan2 je, tapi saje nak sakitkan hati org. nak syoh2 people away. Last day, Asyraf sleep over, at least aku de teman lawan cakap n penyakit insomia aku sbelum exam dimanipulatekan untuk kiteorg berbual2 sepuas2nya. btw, despite all things, at least they still show mercy to me. Look at the bright sight, I get things I wanted, I just lose some fun times. that's all. Anyway girls, thank for making our goodbye is easy. I just have enough. owh, you all just injured my feeling tau.
Looking back, i encounter this many times.meet people, say hi, fake smile, fake laugh, share foods, tells secret, play jokes, true smile, true laugh, accepting advice, start to criticize, betrayer, show off, jealousy, undermined, cold-shoulder, crying, fake laugh again, fake smile again, say goodbye, leave people. wish that we never meet again as we don't have nothing to say and i just hate awkwardness. think i'm the one who lose? sometime i feel like that too. However, the good thing about move on is you'll find someone better if..you move on on a right direction. You will meet better people who give more inspiration to you and willing to stand on your back. the most important thing is you're now become more matured and knows how to react reasonably toward peer pressure. like i tell you before, my best friends never last longer enough. They all have their own dateline. That sometime make me uneasy toward the beginning of searching new friend. we can't know who suit to us. what i can do is to just blindly pick and bring up the good things in people. And if you want to believe me, i'm very good in communicate, i just know how to dig secret,plead and confront others, what u need to give me is a chance. When i got my chance, you're in bestfren.
the bad resort of all these, you cant count for your ex-bestfren to do thing you want to do. they're now longer in the list of "people who willing to help me for nothing". and sometimes even worst you're not in the their list of "people who can be invite to my party". Take me for example, I dont have any people in the list for be my bride maid huhuhu :'(. actually, this is still a small matter as i don't have a my groom yet.
Daripada Abu Bakar R.A daripada Nabi Muhammad S.A.W bersabda : Mulakan pagimu sebagai guru atau pelajar atau pendengar atau orang yang cinta akan ilmu, jangan jadi orang yang kelima anda akan binasa (Riwayat Imam Malik)
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Sunday, 29 May 2011
I, J, K....heheh
A wife asked her husband to describe her …..
He said, ‘You’re A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K’.
She said, ‘What does that mean?’
He said: Adorable, Beautiful, Cute, Delightful, Elegant, Foxy, Gorgeous, Hot’.
She said: ‘Oh that’s so lovely. What about I, J, K ?
He said: I‘m Just Kidding…..!!!
He said, ‘You’re A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K’.
She said, ‘What does that mean?’
He said: Adorable, Beautiful, Cute, Delightful, Elegant, Foxy, Gorgeous, Hot’.
She said: ‘Oh that’s so lovely. What about I, J, K ?
He said: I‘m Just Kidding…..!!!
3 method to achieve a good character
Assalamualaikum and thank you sister solehah,
As you can see in the slide provided, there are 3 methods to achieve good character. There are divine generosity, habituation and association. Please help me to correct the slide provided to you.
Let us see to the first method, that is divine generosity. First you should understand that Divine mean God and divine generosity is the generous of god. One can possess good character naturally when he got divine generosity or in Arabic term bitt-t-ab wal al-fitra. They are so created that all the faculties of their souls are in equilibrium and their faculties of desire and anger obey the dictates of reason and syaria. Some examples of these types of peoples are the prophets. Prophet muhammad s.a.w is an ideal personality. The akhlak of rasululah will be explained further by sister Baizura. Even though,divine genority is only given to the prophets, we should never forget people other than prophets may also posses good character by using habituation and association.
Let us proceed to the second method that is habituation. There are three important key words in habituation. The first is mujahadah, motivation, second is riyadah, self-training and the last one is itiyad, habit. To start of habituation, one should have strong motivation and wills to take pain to engage generous action. It can be such as giving away some particular possession until it becomes a kind of second nature to him. If he feel pleasure to perform it, it mean he had achieved itiyad, habituation.
In the month of ramadhan, we can apply this concept in performing solat terawih. There is one girl who doesn’t like to perform solat terawih. Since she celebrate fasting month in uia, she had be forced by her roommate to perform solat terawih. First, she feels reluctant to perform it. Lastly, toward the end of the month when her roommate no longer force her, she herself feel she want to do it. It show she had reach habituation in achieving good character.
The last method is association. We can acquire good character by observation of good people and association with them. As we all know, man is by nature imitative. When they mix with good people, they will be influenced to be good and when they mix with bad people, they will be influenced to be bad. This is supported by a hadith that mention, the prophet sait “the similitude of good company and bad company is like the one who sell perfume and iron smith. The one who sell perfume will offer it to you, sell it to you or you will smell nice of it whereas iron smith will burn your cloth or you will smell bad. The best example is children. If the children are raise in bad environment, they will have a bad akhlak. Therefore, there must be enforcement of law. So that, we can push the children to instill a good akhlaq until it become a habit.
In conclusion, people can instill good character by divine generousity, habituation and association. As a true muslim, we should always bear in mind that we have given a wide freedom of choice but we should always choose a right thing. Thus, the implemention of good character is necessary throughout the life as a muslim.
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Lelaki yang menangis
salam, in the midst of exam. mari citer pasal orang sikit. ade orang tu kan, die selalu sedih, tulis blog pun cam nak nagis (ni dak laki ni), rupenye die putus harapan pasal adik kesyangan die meninggal dunia (adik die dah lame sakit da). n start tu pelajaran tergangu. die dah xbest student agi da. pastu asyik nagis jer. memula aku mmg kesian pasal die selalu wat monolog dalaman ngan adik die (arwah) time tulis blog. lelama aku jadi muak pulak, seakan2 die nak cakap yg result die teruk pasal adik die da xde. pastu cakap kalo arwah adik die teman terbaik die n die xtahu nak citer kat sape.betul ker, ade ker org yg pilih adik jadi teman terbaik. kalo aku, aku pilih rumate.pasal lebih dekat ngan kehidupan seharian, pastu kalo da ngumpat2 senang leh tunjuk2 mane org tu :) . kalo ngan adik ni kite cakap pakai term pun die xfaham. hah, sambung citer pasal dak laki tu, sudah2 lah sedih, mesti adik ko pun nk ko berjaya. kalo ko menangis air mata darah pun die xkan kembali. GOOD LUCK IN a-LEVEL.
Friday, 6 May 2011
Suri rumah express
bile tgk je ikan talapia kat singki, terus decide hari ni nak masak ikam masam manis. yeah!! lame da xmakan lauk tu. pastu tgk peti ais, umm da xde barang sgt, sayur pun xde. nmpknye kne lah g econsave t beli sayur, malasnye. sebab xpernah masak ikan masak masam manis, cam biaselah tanye kat miss google. dapat resepi from
aisey barang tuk masak ikan pun xcukup. tambah list nak kne beli lagi. kire duit kat dompet, ade rm 7 je. hah layanlah. start moto trs g. dgn duit yg limited, beli sayur petola rm1.20 n nenas dlm tin rm 3.6o. fuh lepas baget . ble balik umah, bru pasan, ade barang aku xbeli lagi, sos tomato n tepung jagung. terpaksa lah balun je per yg ade.
tuk sos temato, aku gntikan ngan air asam, pastu cili sos bnyk skit, & tmbh air nenas dlm tin
tuk tepung jagung, aku gnti ngan tepung goreng pisang adabi. memula aku igt tu tepung jagung rupenye tepung beras. xper la, layan je lah.
jeng jeng jeng siap da masakan aku. famili aku kte sedap, bapak aku siap tnye ag camner aku masak. huhu campak2 jer lah.
credit tuk mak aku yg siang ikan talapia. nak harap aku kim salam jer lah.
menu hari ni: ikan talapia masam manis n sayur petola masak air, xleh masak bebanyak, kang xhabis. Amacam de rupe suri rumah x? heheeh
aisey barang tuk masak ikan pun xcukup. tambah list nak kne beli lagi. kire duit kat dompet, ade rm 7 je. hah layanlah. start moto trs g. dgn duit yg limited, beli sayur petola rm1.20 n nenas dlm tin rm 3.6o. fuh lepas baget . ble balik umah, bru pasan, ade barang aku xbeli lagi, sos tomato n tepung jagung. terpaksa lah balun je per yg ade.
tuk sos temato, aku gntikan ngan air asam, pastu cili sos bnyk skit, & tmbh air nenas dlm tin
tuk tepung jagung, aku gnti ngan tepung goreng pisang adabi. memula aku igt tu tepung jagung rupenye tepung beras. xper la, layan je lah.
jeng jeng jeng siap da masakan aku. famili aku kte sedap, bapak aku siap tnye ag camner aku masak. huhu campak2 jer lah.
credit tuk mak aku yg siang ikan talapia. nak harap aku kim salam jer lah.
menu hari ni: ikan talapia masam manis n sayur petola masak air, xleh masak bebanyak, kang xhabis. Amacam de rupe suri rumah x? heheeh
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Inspiration on wider scope
tadi kat kelas ungs 2040. Imam al-nafasi said Inspiration is not consider as a source of knowledge. Agree or Disagree?
Dr syamsuddin bagi example " if u dream of Prophet Muhammad, & he told u to do this & that, will u believe it?"
"No, because I never see the prophet" yes, indeed, that my answer and i speak that loud
"u must believe it, people usually believe their dream"
ok..ok..but thing like this need more than just believe, futher explanation please. need someone to explain to me.
I dont believe because for human, our inspiratation is limited and easy to be manipulated by shaitan. it has possibility to make people go astray.
then, ask Pah, get explanation and some google.
Dr syamsuddin bagi example " if u dream of Prophet Muhammad, & he told u to do this & that, will u believe it?"
"No, because I never see the prophet" yes, indeed, that my answer and i speak that loud
"u must believe it, people usually believe their dream"
ok..ok..but thing like this need more than just believe, futher explanation please. need someone to explain to me.
I dont believe because for human, our inspiratation is limited and easy to be manipulated by shaitan. it has possibility to make people go astray.
then, ask Pah, get explanation and some google.
وَمَنْ رَآنِي في الْمَنَامِ فَقَدْ رَآنِي فإن الشَّيْطَانَ لَا يَتَمَثَّلُ في صُورَتِي
Ertinya : Barangsiapa yang telah melihatku di dalam tidurnya ( mimpi) , maka ia sesungguhnya telah melihatku, kerana Syaitan tidak (mampu) menyerupai gambaranku" ( Riwayat Al-Bukhari, 1/52 ; Muslim, no 2266, 4/1775
So, if we dream of prophet, it has chance to be true as syaitan can't resemble the prophet. not only that, we should seek for expert advise to ensure thatwhat we saw is the real prophet and the prophet order is not contradict with islam line. )
Monday, 2 May 2011
tak nangis sebab
" t ko mest nangis aku xde"
:) *senyum jer
"ko xnangis nyer, lupelah ko ade dak2 lain"
"haah, ramai lagi rakan perjuangan kite kat sini, ko jer yang pergi, so, aku rase aku ok jer"
"aku rase ko yang nagis bile aku xde"
"pasal ko nak start sume balik, cari kawan sume"
"haah" mengeluh
sebenarnye aku nk cakap banyak lagi
:) *senyum jer
"ko xnangis nyer, lupelah ko ade dak2 lain"
"haah, ramai lagi rakan perjuangan kite kat sini, ko jer yang pergi, so, aku rase aku ok jer"
"aku rase ko yang nagis bile aku xde"
"pasal ko nak start sume balik, cari kawan sume"
"haah" mengeluh
sebenarnye aku nk cakap banyak lagi
- aku xnangis sebab ape yang terbaik untuk ko terbaik untuk aku gak
- aku faham impian kita dah xsame, mungkin kat sane lebih baik untuk ko
- ko jadi jer budak pandai, t mesti ramai org nak kawan ngan ko
- jangan lupe kat aku, aku akan always kacau ko
- lastly, aku xnak jadi gila!!!hahha
Sunday, 1 May 2011
High-profile entry..sulit n confidential
"abah, kawan nana dak medic yang 1 batch ngan nana nak kawen, t first year kat main camp t, budak laki tu dak medic gak, same baye"
"kenapa? awk pun nk kawen juga ke?"
"*** tu yg mane hah?, die duk mane?" dengan nada concern, yes, I got ur attention
"die duk kat teeeet"
"dekat x ngan umah kak yan? bpk die kerje ape?, yg aritu pernah jmpe ker?"
"bapak die kerje teeet, bukan lah tu org len, abah pernah jmpe dlu, igt x dlu die bg nana bku biologi time mule2 masuk uia?"
"xingat sangat lah" dengan nada kesal
"xperlah, t nana bincang2 agi ngan *** tu, x comfirm ag ktorg ni kawen ke x hehehhe"
aritu time men meseg, rumate aku tegur, die tegur lah sebab lame men meseg ngan *** tu, padahal 1 jam je pun.
"agak2 lah kan, ko rase *** tu tau x ko ske die?"
"xkot, aku pandai smpn rahsia, even bestfren aku pun xtau aku ske die. lgpun die yg slalu cari aku, aku stakat ngendap kt FB leh lah. segan aku nak komen2 kt wall die"
pastu die tanye ag ape matlamat aku ngan *** tu, terdiam aku. pastu aku g tandas jap, then balik terus delate sume msg2 tu
fikir balik, memg xde matlamat pun aku ngan die, nak wat laki, btul ke? ade lah beragan jap but just men2 je. bile depan mata, rase cam biase jer, xlah bunga2 sume, blakang2 je excited (tnyelah kawan rapat aku kt uia, betapa galak nye aku) mungkin ni lah org kate "dekat bau tahi, jauh bau bunga" O_0
then, *** ni mesra alam lah sangat, kekadang tu aku rase jeles tgk die layan dak lain. then caring xbertempat lak tu. bebanyak kawn aku, die lah yg maseg tnye bile nk jmpe bile die cuti dulu (tp aku xjmpe pun die, segan lah) mane lah aku xsangkut kt ko ***. then, aku fikir balik, ko pun mesti wat bnde yg same ngan dak2 pompuan len. wat sakit jiwa je aku fikir.
kalo dulu,
status aku n *** : xsah status
status aku n *** : officially, just fren, ni last aku cter pasal die, kalo aku tersebut, cepat2 btul kan aku tau :)
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